

BIG BOOK! Billys first novel. First edition from 1996 on Codex! A creative confession, fourteen years in the writing, that covers from naught till early his twenties. "The 'ameatur' who has influenced a generation of confessional writers, musicians and artists."
Many books have spoken of the "human shadow" but precious few have the courage to speak straight from its heart. With painful honesty, BILLY CHILDISH dos just that and in the process grows flowers from the shit. Seething with wonder and disgust, this volcanic novel sheds light on the "lie of my family".

Born into the emerging middle classes of the 1950s, BILLY CHILDISH takes us on a nightmarish voyage through a blighted childhood which culminates in his being sexually abused by a friend of the family. Stumbling onward into adolescence he exposes his desperate attempts to make sense of a world distorted by alcohol, bullies and yes men.

This striking first novel, or "creative confession", is at turns hilarious and harrowing. Laced with lines of unforgettable poetry, it is that rare and wonderful thing - a book which had to be written.

"Childish offers a bewildered nakedness as the solution to all contradictions: an ultimate exposure, but with pride and swagger."
(Jutta Koether, Artscribe)

"Terse, gutsy and powerfully humane."
(Jett Nuttall, Time Out)

"Street-wise personal-political, few people cana write it as well as this."
(David hfart, Poetry Listings)

The cover shows the author and his brother in 1963.

354 pages!

Titel: My Fault
Label: Print
Stil: Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Typ: Magazin
Preis: 39.- CHF


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