

Most of the time when a band puts out a classic debut, one of three things happens after that:
1) the breakup following or even before the actual release
2) their 2nd record blows
3) they top themselves tenfold and put out one of the best albums in the past 10 years.
In the Marked Men's case, they opt for number three.

On the Outside is so good that it will make you cry.
The title track starts off this album with a burst of some of the rawest loud guitars and one of the catchiest choruses that I've heard in a long time.
That seems to be the trend on this record: every song is a winner.
If you're unfamiliar with the Men, as I will refer to them for the rest of this, there are two principle songwriters, Mark Ryan and Jeff Burke, 2 of the three ex-Reds that make up this band.
Their songs are so different yet fit together so perfectly. Mark's style seems to opt for a rawer but still poppy approach with vocals that resemble Paul Collins's so much you will think it's the real deal, which is awesome. Jeff's style seems to be the reverse: more poppy, but still raw with a voice that's so unique you have to hear it to understand.
Mike and Joe make up the rhythm section, and seriously, it's one of the tightest I've ever heard. Just imagine what it would sound like live; I've seen it, and it's pretty amazing. Mike does 4/4 beats so extremely fast that's its almost inhuman, and Joe's bass playing style is very neat: lots of octaves and melodic lines that fill the songs out perfectly.

So I've talked about the bands ability to play, but really, an album's quality is based on the substance.
A band can suck and write good songs and get by on that alone in most cases, but this one conquers both aspects of the equation.
This album is jam packed with pop-hits, songs harkening back to a day (if there ever was one) when bands like The Beat (U.S.), The Dickies, THE RAMONES, and various other punk-pop and power-pop bands ruled the ears of many listeners. I don't really want to break it down song by song; this album is a rarity among albums today; its one entity of music.
It all fits together and flows so well.
GOD, JUST GO OUT AND GET IT ALREADY! I've told you enough already; the mission for you now is to buy this record; it will benefit you to no limit!
review by:
--Ian MacDougall

Titel: On The Outside
Label: Dirtnap
Stil: New Action Sounds
Best-Nr.: ZZZ-46
Typ: LP
Preis: 15.- CHF

MARKED MEN - On The Outside

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On the Outside
Don't Lose It
Gone Away
Broken Record
No Time
So What
Right Here With You

Doctor Dan
Set You Right
Still Waiting
Cool Devices
4000 Times
Master Wicked

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