

The late sixties witnessed a colourful and lively rock music scene in the Franconian region of Greater Nuremberg/Erlangen. At that time, Steve (Bernd) Leistner was already touring as soloist (vocals/guitar) and lead singer with the Nuremberg band 'Faction'. He had enjoyed his first taste of success in the region, and in 1968 Faction won the 'Nuremberg Beat Band City Championship'. 'Bentox', among them four original Wind members, had existed since 1964. They passed for Erlangen's best band and were the recognized local heroes. In 1969 they got themselves into a so called East-Asia tour, which turned out to be a six-months troop-entertainment (with two shows daily at the very frontline) in the Vietnam war. In the end they were cheated out of their pay and even had to hawk their instruments and the equipment to pay for the flight back to Germany. This washout made a new start and the future quite difficult financially, and fighting for survival became their daily bread. In spite of the Vietnam fiasco the band didn't give up. They contacted several record companies about a contract. Miller International with their cheap label 'Europa' snapped at the chance. Under the direction of producer Jochen Petersen, an LP with the anonymous fantasy name CORPORAL GANDER'S FIRE DOG BRIGADE was recorded and sold for a mere 5 DM (approx. 2.50 Euro). The band's pay was a flat fee of 5,000 DM (approx. 2,550 Euro), and no copyrights. They changed their name into 'Chromosom', and soon after singer Franz Seeberger left the band. In 1970, after a concert with his new band 'Flying Carpet', they asked Steve Leistner to join them as lead singer and professional musician. Miller International intended to establish a new German rock label +PLUS+, with three groups (TOMORROW'S GIFT and IKARUS from Hamburg, apart from WIND) to begin with. The temptation to make his first own record was too great to resist for a young lad of only 19. He was not only a strong voiced singer and front man, but had a creative mind and contributed considerably to the band's acquiring an independent profile and repertoire in next to no time. After the first rehearsals everybody knew that things were really getting going with this line-up. The chemistry was right and they agreed that they wanted to play own compositions only. On stage they intended to 'roll up their sleeves' and give everything. 'The band comes first, then nothing for a long time, then you, your wife, mother, dog or whatever' that was their maxim. In spite of self-made amplifiers and equipment, instruments that were pawned in parts, without an own sound technician (they mixed the sound themselves from on stage), they wanted to 'blow' away any obstacle that got in the way to their 'international breakthrough'. This marked the birth of the new group and the new name 'WIND'.

Klang und Kleid is the only source in Switzerland to purchase Long Hair and Garden of Delights Records (check out our Krautbeaters, Swiss Progressive and Progressive sections!)

Label: Long Hair
Stil: Kraut Beaters
Best-Nr.: LHC82
Typ: LP
Preis: 28.- CHF


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What Do We Do Now 8:25
Now It's Over 4:22
Romance 1:31
Springwind 7:08
Dear Little Friend 4:15
Red Morningbird 15:56

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