

Amsterdam's shattered punk destroyers return with a four song 7 inch EP of pure raunch rockin' static to destroy your brain cells faster than a stroll through a Carbona factory! At the helm is the maniacal Bone, a man of towering stature, delivering electric radiation upon his path of destruction. Our team of vigilante harbingers of trash is currently composed of fellow mutants: Remi Lucas and French maestro-bator Looch Vibrato, notorious for his work in the garage punk outfit MAGNETIX - two worthy men if any to join our reptilian hero Bone on his quest for imminent meltdown. "Trooper" is an absolute ripper that kicks the door in and is clearly a bold statement: ?The Anomalys are still going strong and in fine form, while "Fire In the Hole" is an explosive mindfucker set to leave you in a daze. On the flipside, "My Own Way" blasts perfectly in a melodic disharmony, and the EP ends with the ass-clinchingly tight "Anomalyphant. You're not gonna need to go record shopping anytime soon just keep flipping this lightning hot slab 'til your mind melts!

Titel: Trooper
Label: Slovenly
Stil: Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Best-Nr.: 224EP
Typ: 7 inch (Single)
Preis: 9.- CHF

ANOMALYS - Trooper

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Side 1:
Fire In The Hole

Side 2:
My Own Way

Weitere Platten vom Label Slovenly
Weitere Platten zum Musikstil Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Bestsellers des Musikstils Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
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